Ikasturte honetan zehar, DBH 3 eta DBH 4ko ikasleek, Italiako Borgomanero herriko Liceo Galilei ikastetxekoekin elkartrukea egingo dute! Otsailaren 1etik 8ra abiatuko dira Milanen kokatzen den eta Alpeetatik gertu dagoen herritxo honetara. Italiarrak berriz, martxoaren 16tik 23ra etorriko dira gurera!
Mertzede ikastetxeak orain arte, Errumania, Holanda eta Alemaniatik zehar izandako elkartruke ugari bizi eta sentitu ditu, non ikasleek beste kultura batzuk ikasiz eta lagun berriak eginez, esperientzi ahaztezinak bizi izan dituen. Oraingo honetan ere, guztion artean esperientzia polit bat pasatzea espero dugu, elkarrekin erabiliko dugun hizkuntza ingelesa izanik.
Irrikitan gaude gure lagun italiarrak ezagutzeko!
School Exchange 2018
During this school year, our students of 3rd and 4th Secondary from Sta Mª Socorro will participate in a school exchange with pupils from Liceo Galilei in Borgomanero, Italy. A group of 19 students will travel from 1st-8th February 2018 to visit this town of 20,000 inhabitants close to the Italian Alps and the city of Milan.
Later, our families will receive the group of 22 Italians that will visit us from 16-23 March in Gernika and we will share this wonderful experience with the rest of our partners. All this adventure will have English as a common language.
Mertzede ikastetxea has already visited Romania, the Netherlands and Germany in these previous years as part of school exchanges and it´s always an unforgetable experience , where our pupils learn from other cultures and stablish longlife realtionships.
We are willing to meet our future Italian Friends!