24tik uztailaren 5era ingeleseko udalekuak egon dira gure eskolan. 43 umek
hartu dute parte. Oso ondo pasatu dugu hurrengo ekintzak eginez:
- Eskulanak
- Kirola (jolasak, bizikletan, igerilekuan…)
- Orgenagailuetan jolastu
- Antzerkia
- Sukaldaritza
An English
summer camp has been organized from 24th of June till 5th of July. 43 students
have taken part in it. All the participants have had a really good time by
doing the following activities:
- Handicrafts
- Sports (games, cycling, swimming…)
- Digital board games
- Theatre
- Cooking
We would like
to thank all the people who helped us make this summer camp possible.
We wish you
happy summer holidays.
asko lagundu gaituzuen guztioi.
Oporrak oso
ondo pasa!!!